Probably every Linux user, regardless of the distribution, having a graphics chipset from VIA, had problems with installing the drivers, or even in general he did not succeed. Therefore, a petition was created for those drivers. Below the translation, made by me. So if you're reading this, please take five minutes to sign it (link in the translation.)
To: Via Technologies, Inc..
Many personal computers (desktops and Laptop), the world is constructed using a VIA brand of equipment (ranging from motherboards, graphics chipsets and sound ending.) This equipment, integrated with the motherboard is considered to be "cheap", not reaching the stunning results (no one expects it to any computer having an integrated unit), but should work well and smoothly.
Lapty, due to limitations on power, rely on integrated chipsets, companies like NVIDIA, ATI, Intel and VIA. But the truth is that proper operation of existing computers is solely on them. However
chipsets are not independent entities. They depend on drivers that let you communicate a specific operating system (ie Linux, Windows etc..) Hardware, allowing it to function in accordance with the specifications (provided by the manufacturer) and enabling the buyer to meet the expectations of the computer.
VIA is in the market for a long time and claims to support Linux. But this is not true. Taking into account the graphics chipset, VIA does not support Linux (any distribution), by What's Linux drivers do not allow users to use their equipment. On the other hand, the same equipment used with the Windows operating system meets all the specifications provided by the manufacturer. This clearly shows that the process of creating drivers for VIA consider only users of Microsoft operating systems (Linux is not supported).
VIA, however, appears sporadically drivers for Linux, but they do not function fully and you can not compare them to the Windows drivers. Official VIA drivers for Linux produces many errors, while expose to danger associated with the use of the operating system, poor performance and incompatibility not to mention ..
is noteworthy that the blame for this state of affairs could not be imputed Linux and its community. Other manufacturers, such as Intel, working with the Free Software by providing drivers as good as Windows, understanding the importance and respecting Linux.
Open Source community has sought to counter this state of affairs. Some projects, such as OpenChrome UniChrome been trying, for some time to develop drivers for VIA chipsets and they succeeded to some extent. It follows from the fact that VIA has never really supported this type of project code or specifications, for this reason, even social networking drivers are not fully functional.
PC users around the world, manifesting in Linux forums, through thousands of posts that need help. As a result, they are frustrated by the fact that there is only one real solution. In addition, there is no official communication from the firm VIA, which means that there is no chance for a solution this problem. Users typically pay it to the sellers who have bought the equipment, the vendors claim that drivers are the responsibility of the chipset manufacturer, not a brand that is responsible for hardware integration.
share of Linux in the global PC market is growing rapidly. Not only third world countries use it to introduce PC'y to public services (eg hospitals, schools), but also the great economists see advantages in the adaptation of Linux in large corporations and third sector. VIA hardware, due to its aggressive pricing policy, occupies a large part of the market. The consequence is that the discontent is growing and will grow more significantly.
For these reasons, we expect that VIA is to take a position, as it has done manufacturers already. There are only a few options to choose from:
1.VI could develop decent drivers that allow Linux users to experience the same level of stability, as Windows users, using the same equipment. This show VIA respects its customers and the cost would be negligible, because a small group of developers, with access to hardware specs, can improve current drivers quickly and efficiently.
2.VIA could to provide full internal hardware specifications to the Linux community, which would allow the creation of Free Software developers working drivers.
3.VIA could say simply that they do not support Linux (which is true). This should be displayed on web pages, product packaging and the like. This would prevent purchase of equipment designed to use Linux.
Regardless of the choice of options by VIA will it's better than doing nothing. VIA has a degree of responsibility with in relation to their clients. They should be honored by an official communication channel of the VIA Linux users and a clear position (eg, one of the above) of the company.
If you agree with what is contained above, please sign this petition and spread it with your friends, family and colleagues. Additional information (Country, VIA Chipset Video, Linux Distro and Comments) are optional and only help us in the fight for our rights. If you can not identify your chipset, check it here: http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=5&ArticleID=68&P=5
Sincerely, The Undersigned
Link to petition