birthday yesterday held the draw. Sure you wait, who was the winner, but much in order. I still wanted to extend summer and we played with a small peak as I was in childhood I used to play. The paper we have made him a tiny boat and swim in the beautiful bowl with water. Boats were assembled from the papers with your names.
Wczoraj dismissed urodzinowe losowanie network. Napewno czekaliscie to fix the network zwyciezca but Piekna after college. Chcialam jeszcze przedluzyc lato więcej Maxim from a small bawilismy network, as I kiedys. The paper zrobilismy him malutkie boat that plywalo Woda w bowl. Boats poskladalismy of papierkow of waszymi nickname.
Finally, we drew one of them and it became the owner files and tags that I vytvorila.Víťazkou is
W end wylosowalismy one of them and the remaining wlascicielka obrazkow i zawieszek stworzonych przez mnie. Zwyciezynia is
Thank you all for participating and I hope you liked the summer boat trip:) Anu will ask for my address to send e-mail.
like to thank wam wszystkie from wzieliscie udzial w moim candy i mam nadzieje, that summer resembled wycieczki wam sie:) Ane poprosze wyslac address to my e-mail.
On the day of my birthday I did not create anything special. But others thought of me and very precisely estimated, which made me know please.
Dzien W moich urodzin nothing special has created. But others think of me, and I think that exactly
know what will give me joy.
Okrem darčekov from známych me one prišiel poštou aj. She sent me a ho Zuzka and I it is Velmi ďakujem.
rate issues gifts from friends a dotarl to mnie w paczce. Wyslala me go Zuzka which bardzo like to thank.
There are different flowers from my relatives.
Oto MISC kwiatki from moich najblizszych.
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