Sunday, November 28, 2010

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Advent / Adwent

Today it all begins ... Christmas time of preparation - cooking, cleaning, decorate, pack of surprises for our loved ones. Moments that leave the cold any human heart. Advent is not just a pre-Christmas rush. It's time for peace, reflection, a summary of the year. Reach not only in the bottom of their purses, but above the bottom of his soul.

Dzisiaj zaczyna wszystko sie ... czas swiatecznych przygotowan - pieczenia, sprzatania, ozdabiania, pakowania niespodzianek dla bliskich. Chwile not zostawiaja Chlodnia ludzkich back from the SERC. Adwent is not tylko przedswiatecznym pospiechem. Is it czas satisfaction, reflection, rekapitulacji year. Siegnimy więcej nie tylko swojego portfela the bottom, but the bottom przedewszystkim swojej duszy.

Advent for us / for us Adwent

missing here somehow white and black? It just seems you:) As you know, still working on renovating the hundred beds for Maxima. I tried pads, it will keep you company. Bedding is decorated in black and white braided ribbons. All ručne vytvorené them with lásky k synovi. Well, and discovered som trošku farbu sedačky (určite sa-Caprice poteší Agnieszka:)

lack here of white and black color? It's just you, it seems:) As you know, still working on the rehabilitation beds for stoletniego Maxima. She sewed pillows, which will accompany him. Pillowcases are decorated with black and white ribbons posplatane. All made by hand, with a love for her son. Well, flashed a little color sofa (probably Agnieszka-Caprice August consolation:)

I would like to thank Zuzka award for my blog, but I appreciate all your comments and awards are just icing on the cake. Therefore I will appreciate further, but much prefer to visit your blogs and leave it there in the form of a commentary track.
Chcialabym podziekowac Zuzka for wyroznienie mojego blogs Szany every wasz komentarz i wyroznienia to tylko czeresnia on dorcas. Dlatego lepiej not wyrozniala dalej bede, bede odwiedzala but i like zostawiala malts w komentarzy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Get A Job In The Radio Disney Road Crew

My new colors

While black and white color attracts me the most, sometimes as Isaac Newton seek ways of colored light. Recently, there are little things MOUSSE powder in shades of blue and pink. A small celebration is therefore necessary that in this two color craze. User pom-pom of tissue paper (tissue) appear to blog for Dagi
Choc bialy Kolor czarny i is najbardziej dla mnie ponetny, sometimes just as Isaac Newton looking for ways to color the world. Last are the little things in shades of turquoise and pudrowych understood. So little party could not do without the color. Description of the tassel of silk paper (tissue) also can be found on the blog in Dagi

UZ som wrote that the council vytváram čokoľvek the paper:) You can see these are some wonderful pre bude, but I zbožňujem toaletný paper. If Makky, a dá prispôsobivý využiť are different. Nedávno som sa s pohrala Jeho ružovou verziou. A takto skrášľuje my kúpeľňové kráľovstvo.

I said, I like to create anything from paper:) Maybe it will be strange for someone, but I love toilet paper. It miekky, lightly maintained form and can be used in many ways. Not long ago played with the pink version. And that beautifies my bathroom kingdom.

Ďakujem vám a komentáře, ktoré has vždy inšpirujú to som znova vytvorila Nové a bit on the želanie prikladám Návod výrobu ružičiek. There is nothing ťažké them, but by ak ste niečomu nerozumeli, pýtajte sa vysvetlím council.
Thank you for your comments, which always inspire me to get back to do something new and here for a description and photograph, I follow. It's easy, but if not zrozumialiscie something, ask, happy to explain.
first Bud potrebovať iba toaletný paper:)
first Będziemy potrzebowac tylko paper toaletowy:)

second The length depends on the size of paper roses. I'm doing it the length of 10 fragments. Difficult due to the length of paper in half.
second Dlugosc depends on the Wielkość rozyczki. I do i zwyczajnie of dlugosci kawalkow 10. Paper zlozymy to Polow (poziomo.. Pionowo? ... Ask as to zdjecia:)

third Right end of the paper bend inward. Curved part pointing bottom bude základ stonky. Zvyčajne already nechávam dlhú asi 10-12 cm.
third Bend the right end of the paper inside. This part will be the basis for the stems? (Oh, the heavy Polish:). I usually leave with a length of 10-12 cm.

4th Paper zložíme once este k tomu istému okraju.
4th Paper we shall once again to the same bank.

5th V polovici šírky vyhneme smerom von.
5. W polowie szerokosci wygniemy na zewnatrz .

6. A začíname robiť púčik ružičky namotávaním dovnútra.
6. I zaczynamy zwijac paczek rozyczki do srodka.

  7. Pri rovnakom namotávaní by púčik nebolo vidieť (vznikla by akási špirála), preto treba papier vždy po cca dvoch zvinutiach vyhnúť smerom von, aby ružička bola rovnomerná and continue as well.
7th Kiedy zwijamy rozyczke, paper after about 2 zwineciach Potrzebie wygnac to zewnatrz and neither was rozyczka rownomierna postepowac even further as itself.

8th ... Until the end. When you stay at the end of 10-12 cm of paper, wrapped it around the stem of a. .. Riha is ready.
8th ... Until the end. Kiedy zostaje us 10-12 cm paper, owijamy go round szypulki i. .. rozyczka gotowa

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Friday, November 5, 2010

How Long Marinol Stays In Your System

Lace and music with all my heart

long I'm here "neškrtla" Sure but I live. Ideas is enough, but time to implement them less and less because of my work. Therefore, I want to apologize to you home, all rock bloggers that do not leave comments on your posts, but definitely watch your every step:)
Today's post will be of lace combined with music. Perhaps you začudovali, but I perceive these two beauties well. The two should be treated sensitively, we usually perceive both senses, we publish a lot of effort and diligence of the bee, the end result was a balm to the soul. They created an infinite sink of human ideas and what is most important - produced with love.
I finally zvesila spring decorations with their sheep at the entrance and replace it by the handmade (and somewhat distorted) ring curly willow. Ivy sprigs inspired me Janka a bit, I help them stand out in white lace and the bird, which ste už Videla here.

long time I was not here, but still alive:) ideas are many, but the time for their implementation are less and less because of my work. That is why he wants to excuse you, all blogowniczkam, do not leave comments on your posts, probably watching your every move.:)
Today's post will be about lace combined with music. Maybe zdziwiliscie August, but I perceive both beautiful as well. Obidwoch needed to be approached sensitively, perceive their senses, we spend a lot of hard work, lest the end result was a balm for the soul. They are created endless well of ideas of human and most importantly - made with love.
I finally took off the spring scenery with sheep and named her for the hand made (and a little distorted) a wreath of willow curly. Sprigs of ivy inspired me Janka and embellished it a little white lace and a bird in a cage, which you already widzialiscie here.

Svet paper has vždy inšpiroval. Asi neviete but Velmi som ako dieťa council navštevovala celebration of "hračky-paper" and are nechala unášať vôňou paper. Vtedy som povedala is that once určite Bud pracovať in such an environment. Today my work is rather a reflection of visual beauty, because I work in fashion. But love the paper remained. Well, it is still printed notes, who could resist? Ball bonded wheels of paper or 3D musical origami, candle or lace omotkaná old musical notes ... Music is everywhere. I hear it in a beautiful lace pattern. This work with love no longer, because it need a little more. Would you probably know, from what it is, but I'll leave you in suspense. That I had things to write in the new year:)

Swiat papieru mnie zawsze inspirowal. Moze nie wiecie, ale jak dziecko bardzo lubilam odwiedzac sklepy "zabawki-papier" i dalam sie upajac zapachem papieru. Wtedy obiecalam sobie, ze raz bedzie pracowala w takim srodowisku. Dzisiaj moja praca jest raczej wizualnym odbiciem piekna, dlatego ze pracuje w zakresie mody. Ale milosc do papieru zostala. No i kiedy jest nawet zadrukowany nutami, kto nie oprzelby sie? Kula posklejana z kolek papieru nutowego lub 3D origami, swieczka albo koronka otulona starymi nutami... Muzyka jest wszedzie. Slysze ja i w pieknom wzorku koronki. Na tej  koronce pracuje juz dluzej, dlatego, ze potrzebuje jej troche wiecej. Pewnie chcialibyscie wiedziec, po co, ale zostawie was w napieciu. Zeby poprostu mialam of Pisac iw czym Nowy year:)

And here is a small course for those who want to tinker with the production sphere, what is the last picture.
I tutaj dla small kursik ties regulating them piss sie taki tworzenia pobawic of diamonds as the rest zdjecia:

What do we need? / What we Potrzebie?
paper with musical notes / securities of nuta
pencil / olowko
compass / cyrkiel
scissors / nozyczki
glue swears

I write instructions as I did my bullet dimensions depend on the radius of the wheel or wheels required number. Try!
Bede Pisac, as zrobilam my diamonds, maybe I zrobic i mniejsza, wieksza, depends on the promienia Kolka lub ilosci stamp. Sprobujcie!

first On paper the musical compass Plot 20 circles with a radius of 2.5 cm. This radius of the circle divide into 6 equal parts. Every second pencil point connect the dots - we create a triangle. (Drawing a fine pencil, I've overlaid fixo you to see better:)
first On paper nutowy narysujemy round of promieniu 2.5 cm. That alone dlugoscia promienia rozdzielimy to 6 części. Kazdy drugi punkt laczymy olowkiem - Beja to three. (Rysujemy olowkiem, ja tylko narysowalam to Pisak, zebyscie lepiej widzieli:)

second In parts of the United bend wheel (highlight their party blunt scissors).
second Covering elements wygniemy three (najlepiej przejsc after them strona nozyczek TEPA).

third 5 wheels rub the edges with glue and put the picture (x2) - it will be top and bottom balls.
third Brzeg 5 stamp kleimy after college and how to laczymy zdjecia (2x) - the Beja wierzch down and diamonds.

4. Potom spojíme 10 koliesok spolu a nalepíme na už urobený vrch a spodok.
4. Potem zlaczymy 10 kolek razem i nakleimy na juz zrobiony wierzch i spod.

5.Hotovo. Okraje môžu byť á la patina (špongia a tuš:)
5. Gotowe. Brzegi jeszcze moga byc á la patyna (gabka i tusz:)

Dla Polek: kiedy czemus nie bedziecie  rozumiali, zapytajcie happy with it, dla mnie bardzo ciezko napisac it was in Polish)