While black and white color attracts me the most, sometimes as Isaac Newton seek ways of colored light. Recently, there are little things MOUSSE powder in shades of blue and pink. A small celebration is therefore necessary that in this two color craze. User pom-pom of tissue paper (tissue) appear to blog for Dagi
Choc bialy Kolor czarny i is najbardziej dla mnie ponetny, sometimes just as Isaac Newton looking for ways to color the world. Last are the little things in shades of turquoise and pudrowych understood. So little party could not do without the color. Description of the tassel of silk paper (tissue) also can be found on the blog in Dagi
UZ som wrote that the council vytváram čokoľvek the paper:) You can see these are some wonderful pre bude, but I zbožňujem toaletný paper. If Makky, a dá prispôsobivý využiť are different. Nedávno som sa s pohrala Jeho ružovou verziou. A takto skrášľuje my kúpeľňové kráľovstvo.
I said, I like to create anything from paper:) Maybe it will be strange for someone, but I love toilet paper. It miekky, lightly maintained form and can be used in many ways. Not long ago played with the pink version. And that beautifies my bathroom kingdom.
Ďakujem vám a komentáře, ktoré has vždy inšpirujú to som znova vytvorila Nové a bit on the želanie prikladám Návod výrobu ružičiek. There is nothing ťažké them, but by ak ste niečomu nerozumeli, pýtajte sa vysvetlím council.
Thank you for your comments, which always inspire me to get back to do something new and here for a description and photograph, I follow. It's easy, but if not zrozumialiscie something, ask, happy to explain.
first Bud potrebovať iba toaletný paper:)
first Będziemy potrzebowac tylko paper toaletowy:)
second The length depends on the size of paper roses. I'm doing it the length of 10 fragments. Difficult due to the length of paper in half.
second Dlugosc depends on the Wielkość rozyczki. I do i zwyczajnie of dlugosci kawalkow 10. Paper zlozymy to Polow (poziomo.. Pionowo? ... Ask as to zdjecia:)
third Right end of the paper bend inward. Curved part pointing bottom bude základ stonky. Zvyčajne already nechávam dlhú asi 10-12 cm.
third Bend the right end of the paper inside. This part will be the basis for the stems? (Oh, the heavy Polish:). I usually leave with a length of 10-12 cm.
4th Paper zložíme once este k tomu istému okraju.
4th Paper we shall once again to the same bank.
5th V polovici šírky vyhneme smerom von.
5. W polowie szerokosci wygniemy na zewnatrz .
6. A začíname robiť púčik ružičky namotávaním dovnútra.
6. I zaczynamy zwijac paczek rozyczki do srodka.
7. Pri rovnakom namotávaní by púčik nebolo vidieť (vznikla by akási špirála), preto treba papier vždy po cca dvoch zvinutiach vyhnúť smerom von, aby ružička bola rovnomerná and continue as well.
7th Kiedy zwijamy rozyczke, paper after about 2 zwineciach Potrzebie wygnac to zewnatrz and neither was rozyczka rownomierna postepowac even further as itself.
8th ... Until the end. When you stay at the end of 10-12 cm of paper, wrapped it around the stem of a. .. Riha is ready.
8th ... Until the end. Kiedy zostaje us 10-12 cm paper, owijamy go round szypulki i. .. rozyczka gotowa
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