Friday, January 14, 2011

Steam Vac Alternative Detergent


(ponizszy wierszyk pojawia sie w komentarzach RELATED crash in Smolensk, the author're responding to me it is not known)

We were told not to fly, I went to the cockpit
... and I looked at the box ... you have to ask his brother,
how to convince the pilot in the misty atmosphere,
courage to defeat enemies tower, which
Moskal on the radio trying to dictate to the President of the Polish
- where to land.

Through the mist will see the truth a man of great virtue, which reviewed
grandfathers, monkeys and palikoty.
with a pure heart and say that this fog
reason lies in a secret conspiracy Tusk and Putin.
They want me to turn back from the road and sent to Minsk,
I can already see how to enjoy a mug pig.

But I will not be afraid because of defending the state;
once dragged me to Azerbaijan.
we land here to zbaranieli
like Tusk, when he stepped into the hall in Brussels.
And in the worst case scenario - death at the police station! At least the whole nation
gain respect.

And not to say, "Lech-kamikaze"
best if her brother to help it.
"Jarku, there is a problem and it looks slippery,
Russians want us to refer to an airport!
"That's pretty obvious after all self-evident, that
lie to us to spoil the entire ceremony!
controller will not be stared at us astray, because it
-based bomber aircraft.
Even when instrumental in the ground, it does not break down, tell the tower
that is, where zomowcy steel.

We will proceed as it was in the plan,
know yet what to do - do the job!
A BÅ‚asik well let them see to!
call me again as I'll land.
To cheer you - refuse paciora, I have the blessing
Father Director ".
What is not said in this conversation the brothers, that
to regain power, sometimes you lose.
" But if you stuck your hand to the potty,
whole nation will honor you as a martyr. "


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