Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sample Welcome Address For Recognition Day

Europoparcie for the Poles in Germany, Poland

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Europoparcie for Poles from Germany
Jaroslaw Kałucki 28-02-2011, last updated: 28-02-2011 22:39

Poles in Germany should be covered by the Convention for the Protection of National Minorities - says the Council of Europe. Recommended that the federal government

About the right of Poles in Germany, warns the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe in a report at the end of 2010, which assessed how the Germans implement the Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. The Union of Poles in Germany, came to the document until the eve of the meeting of the Polish-German Round Table, which will be held March 1. Although the committee recommended that the German authorities for an opinion in December 2010,

Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe has examined the situation of minorities in Germany. In addition to these recognized such as the Danes, Fryzyjczyków, Sorbs, Roma and Sinti also looked at the situation of Poles.

Committee notes that the Germans did not apply the Convention on the Protection of minorities against the Poles. And points out that although this group was in Germany as a result of several waves of migration, it is - which strongly indicated in the document - in the past, the Poles had the status of national minority.

Convention for the Protection of minorities is not contain a definition of the national group and gives Member States the settlement, who belongs to this group and who enjoys the privileges resulting therefrom. But with the proviso that it must be done in good faith, and the decision not to apply the Convention can not be arbitrary or discriminatory.

Committee: Polonia is right

Advisory Committee does not use in his opinion the term "Polish national minority" and recognizes the special rights granted to persons residing in Germany, of Polish origin, arising from the treaty on good neighborly relations in 1991. It's about recorded in the symmetrical privileges they enjoy the German minority in Poland regarding the teaching of mother tongue, to cultivate their own national identity, culture, etc.

However, the Council of Europe Advisory Committee agrees with the interpretation of Polish organizations in Germany on its actual status. From the records of the Polish-German treaty that exists in Poland, the German minority, and live in Germany, "German citizens of Polish origin." According to the document cited in the position of the representatives of the Polish community, the proper implementation of the principle of symmetry enshrined in the Treaty should lead to the treatment of Poles in Germany as the actual minority nation. The Committee recommends that the German authorities even this interpretation considering that the Framework Convention for the Protection of Minorities should be extended to the Poles, especially that stored in the document, the criteria do not exclude them from benefiting from the advantages, and their exclusion from this protection could lead to forced assimilation which is prohibited by the Convention.

Advisory Committee urges the federal government directly to a more constructive and open dialogue on this issue with the Poles in Germany, and to regularly review their situation "in the context of the Convention for the Protection of Minority Rights", because it applies also to the living Poles in Germany.

Germany: Treaty primarily

However, signed in December 2010 response to the German government firmly insists that under the treaty enshrined in the 1991 definition, the Polish minority in Germany does not exist - which emphasizes the the answer - for such asymmetry has agreed to the Polish government. And the same ethnic Polish group in Germany is not entitled to be abolished 5-percent. electoral threshold - the German government notes.

activists Union of Poles in Germany enjoys a report of the Council of Europe, but the indignant German position. ZPwN already asked the interior minister of Germany explanations. I do not like him especially the wording "reasonable asymmetry.

- have long felt that the willingness to talk in terms of the Polish minority by the Germans is fake - it says" Rom "Marek Wojcicki, head ZPwN. - For the first time, however, the German government admitted in an official document, it does not intend to perform international obligations.

Wojcicki says it will put the issue to a head on Tuesday in Berlin. March 1 in the Polish-German Round Table is to be here inter-site review of the implementation of the treaty.

- I'm very curious reaction of representatives of German, but Polish authorities - says the head ZPwN and points out that according to the report, prepared for the Polish Foreign Ministry in late 2009, the Polish minority has never ceased to exist formally.

- Instead of celebrating the forthcoming 20th anniversary of the treaty should rather think of the annexe, which guarantees a real symmetry in Polish German relations - Mr. Stefan Hambura notes, the Berlin lawyer, who in 2009 on behalf of the Polish-American organizations sought to restore the status of minorities and recently announced his intention to create a Polish party in Germany ("Government" is revealed on February 23). - For a group that I create, it will be a priority.


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