Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
After Getting Lumineers
His desire was fulfilled
a long time, we long for a small house. It would be very old, one in which we should now feel great, safe, free and always we would like to return in it. Should be with architectural elements that we now appeal to a particular - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) Do you know what I write? Yet the heart of love. But we live in a large parent's home, so we try to bring at least details of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first vyzerali day približne takto:
nice spring day, I wish all of you. Before our house welcomes guests this spring chair. Ria idea inspired me to such chairs odkukala in Denmark.
beautiful spring day, I wish you all. Before our house greets guests here spring highchair. Its inspired me to create Ria, who had seen such a chair in Denmark.
Zabýval are here prvý návštevník aj:)
lived here and the first Visits:)
Srdečne vitam vas!
Zapraszam serdecznie!
a long time, we long for a small house. It would be very old, one in which we should now feel great, safe, free and always we would like to return in it. Should be with architectural elements that we now appeal to a particular - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) Do you know what I write? Yet the heart of love. But we live in a large parent's home, so we try to bring at least details of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first vyzerali day približne takto:
Already a long time we want a small house. He had to be old, such that once We felt great in it, safely and freely, and always liked him to come back. He had to be with architectural accents, which we will like and important - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) I do not know what he writes? Surely a center of love. But immediately we live in a big house from my parents, so we try to fulfill even a part of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first day looks like this:
Surely you will agree that it is a piece of work, not just physical. But the good master was no shortage. If you need such a master painter, just call:)
Pewnie zgadzacie network of me that it kawal pracy, nie tylko fizycznej. But good mistrzów not brakowalo. Gdyby potrzebowaliscie takiego Mistrz-malarza, zadzwonic prosze:)
small, blue and white furniture. Oliver dreamed up just such a room. As the two older sons going through the "great" period of adolescence, each of them welcomed the opportunity súkromí. Ako prvé predstavím On the photos kráľovstvo Ted Oliver. On Jeho želanie som vyrobila hodiny, on which ZASTAL čas. SU Hrubý ľanového Vrec a su číslice poprehadzované, Takya Zamer pain. HOCl also hodinový strojček funguje, nikdy sa nedozvieme, circle them v skutočnosti Hodina:)
Mala, blue and white furniture. Oliver dreamed of just such a room. Since the older two sons through a period of maturation, each of them wants to have a bit of personal space. So I will show you on the photos was the first kingdom Oliver. His desire was a clock, on which time has stopped. Stworzylam go from lnianego woru i was numero chaotycznie uporzadkowane, taki was zamiar. Again choc Shaver zegarowy funkcjonuje, Nigde not dowiemy network, which is godzina:)
A few pictures cabinet. Some might like to see the room as a whole, but is tiny, is not it crazy with my camera:).
jeszcze Kilkis pstrykow of skin. It can Niektorzy chcialiby zobaczyc Caly room, but is not i bardzo maly w maybe they szalec of apparatus:).
C'est ma chambre ... This is my room
C'est ma chambre ... This is my room
And I invite you see you next post. Will also be sweet, I promise:)
I Zapraszam to nastepny Wiosenna post. Beja and slodko, obiecam:)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Check Availability Of Plate In Ontario
New Chomikbox
All about Chomikbox and the ability to download here:
ChomikBox a small and friendly program (really easy and intuitive) that will allow you to easily add files to your hamster, download them and listen to music directly from the pages of the site!
All about Chomikbox and the ability to download here:
ChomikBox a small and friendly program (really easy and intuitive) that will allow you to easily add files to your hamster, download them and listen to music directly from the pages of the site!
Key features:
first Adding files
- load files by dragging them from your computer to a hamster on your desktop!
- accurate indicator of progress - well measured and measured, according to the actual data transfer rate which is obviously not permanent and therefore not worth 100% of the index to believe ...
- resume transmission when connected to the Internet breaking-news veeery easy life!
- load multiple files at once - bandwidth usage if you have a slow netem advise "chomikować" at night, when not using the Web
- upload entire folders, along with subfolders! -new veeery easy life!
second Playing music
- audition files from the site immediately, without downloading them to disk, without the use of transfer - comfort, convenience and comfort once again!
- create playlists, which you can listen to when you close your browser
- also use the player to listen to the files from your - chomikowy player is really good:)
third Downloading files
- download entire folders! - no in the end:)
- download a file or an entire folder by dragging the link to the form of hamster
desktop (you can turn the default download all the files through the options ChomikBox hamster) - Resume downloading at any time (even after loss of connection and change the IP)
4th Screenshots - baardzo baardzo useful feature and comfortable ...
- perform any portion of the screen shot
- save it to your hamster, or directly disk
5th ChomikBox system works with Windows XP (version Service Pack 3), Windows Vista, Windows 7 .
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Latest Cures For Vasomotor Rhinitis
Happy Easter everyone! As
Missing my courage and I am ashamed that after such a long time, I again "in the blog condition. Since Easter is knocking on the door, I had to realize their ideas spring, so I very likely did not show them here just before Christmas:) There is thus a few pieces that adorned our house inside and out:
Brake me odwagi i wstydze sie dopiero of the so Dlugy czas jestem "w kondycji blogowej. Dlatego from swieto juz w cleft Drzwi, musialam realizowac wiosenne my thought, Could it not pokazac them only at Christmas:) So here are some pieces that embellish our house inside and outside:
To sme však nezabúdali, preço slávime Veľkú night najdôležitejší dôvod them here:
But we did not forget why you celebrate, here the most important reason:
Enjoy beautiful moments with family, relatives, and friends during the holidays, let us remember the suffering of others, known and unknown, who bear the cross with humility. Just as Jesus bore him.
room grand night all! Hallelujah!
Spedzajmy baked chwile of rodzinie, bliskimi, przyjaciolmi i podczas Swiat wspominajmy cierpieniu io innych, znajomemu znajomemu and not regulating them nosza Krzyz w pokorze. Wlasnie as Jezus.
satisfied Wielkanocnych Swiat! Hallelujah!
Finally I warmly thank the dear Emily award for my blog. It is certainly a wonderful feeling, but I prefer to give gifts, as I get, thus moving it further on these blogs:
Chcialabym jeszcze podziekowac drogiej Emily for wyroznienie mojego blog. That is pewnie uczucie baked, but I wiele on lubie dawac Again, low sufficient, więcej przekaze go further blogowniczkam:
I prefer to appreciate all the creative blogs that are full of inspiration, therefore, who feels at home here, include award him)
Najchetniej Bým wyroznila wszystkie kreatywne blogs that ing, inspiracji, who więcej tutaj czuje sie w as the house is wyroznienie i dla Nigel:)
One of the conditions should write about myself seven attractions. Has many times I wrote the following about myself, so now I hope you learn something new and that I will not repeat:)
warunkow is one of the napisac 7 interesujacych sobie rzeczy. Juz so kiedys zrobilam, więcej mam nadzieje, from dowiecie sie cos nowego i not powtarzala cos bede:)
first When I was little, I secretly eating newsprint. Very my taste:)
Kiedy bylam be, jadlam skrycie gazetowy paper. Bardzo mi smakowalo:)
second I'm like father - like to spend time in the woods, alone with my thoughts.
Jestem as my dad - lubie spedzac czas w Les itself from swoimi minds.
third recently fulfilled one of my dreams - I'm studying interior design.
Niedlugo spelnilo mi sie temu one of Marzena - Wnętrza studies and design.
4th I am doing many things at once ... and many will not finish well:)
Robie dużo rzeczy reflection ... i no i dużo skoncze:)
5th I do not know how to swim.
Not umiem plywac.
6th I like signs, tables, labels and all, where is the font. Any.
Lubi napisy, szyldy, tabliczki, etykiety i wszystko, czym is the font. Jakiekolwiek.
7th Reading fairy tale - their children, themselves, but also her husband)
Czytam fable - moim dzieciom, reindeer, but also a Mezowo:)
The cottage we have made changes, so soon I will show you a couple of dream corners of my eyes:)
W house was CHANGES, Dlugy Again not a defective steam wam wymarzonych zakamarkow moimi oczami :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
After Stomach Flu - Horrible Farts
Polish minority in Germany nierozumian and unrepresented by the current Polish government
Reprinted with
As we know, German politicians have expressed their readiness to rehabilitate the Poles persecuted during the Third Reich. Under Regulation Hermann Goering in 1940 was liquidated Polish minority, requisitioned her property and assets, and the organization of Polish activists were deported to concentration camps. Well, that in modern Germany, there is the will of their rehabilitation after 66 years since the end of the war, wrong that Polish negotiators give up his good starting position, not to say, keep talking about it on his lap. Apparently they are for, but ...
I quote from a letter dated 10 January 2011 This document is called "Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Working Group meeting on" Issues prawno-historyczne/Kultura memory. " Warsaw, Prime Minister's Chancellery, the Round Table Room, 5 January 2011 "As we read further," The main purpose of the meeting, organized by Christopher Miszczak, PRM Bureau Director for International Dialogue, co-working group "Issues prawno-historyczne/Kultura memory," was to prepare Polish-German talks on the situation of Polish national group in Germany, which will be dated. January 18 this year. in Berlin. Participants talked about issues, who will be in the block "memory culture" subject of talks with German partners. "One of the final sentence of this protocol is as follows:" Participants agreed to waive application of the term "Polish minority," and use the terminology used for the treaty. "
It's amazing that the Polish side of the mountains agrees to a significant concession. What led to the director Miszczak on this? I recall that it holds the position of Prime Minister Plenipotentiary for International Dialogue, Minister Wladyslaw Bartoszewski. Was it an independent decision of Mr Miszczak, or suggestion, and may require the supervisor? And another question: Does the Minister Radoslaw Sikorski knew something about it. A few weeks later, ie 16 March 2011, Polish Foreign Minister said at the pulpit of the Sejm: "On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Treaty on good neighborliness and friendly cooperation intensified talks on the Rights of the Polish minority. "(page 10 and 11 transcripts from the meeting of the Sejm ( $ file/87_a_ksiazka . pdf). Who then decides that he at the start the Polish side departs from the fundamental issue. The Polish minority in Germany is not disappeared, their descendants are living, there is also still the prewar, during the Third Reich outlawed Union of Poles in Germany, "Source". Is Polish politicians "bought" the German argument that restoring the status of minorities (which in fact is quite understandable under the law if we believe - as does the present government of Germany - a non-existent regulation Göring) is not possible because in Germany immediately demanded that the the Turks, Serbs, Bosnians, etc., etc.? This type of reasoning can be safely classified ad absurdum, because, I repeat emphatically, none of these ethnic groups have never had the rights of minorities and will never have grounds to apply for them. It is worth recalling that the Poles found themselves in Germany on a trip to the "Orbis", but derive from the land owned by the turn of the century in both countries, and from areas seized after the partition of Polish. He then became internal migrants who have relocated in search of a better life, such as the Ruhr area.
German side hopes that one will be the subject promises zwekslować adds a few cents on the activities of Polish NGOs, and thus avoid historical responsibility. Surprisingly, on Thursday 14/4/2011, during XV. Polish-German Forum in Berlin, cond. Miszczak assured the hosts that no one in Poland does not want to recognize the Polish minority in Germany. In this situation, is not unreasonable to question whether the old home is simply not care status of Poles in Germany and the Polish government propaganda in the name of the glitz of the allegedly excellent relations with the western neighbor sells what for Germany on the Polish Germans would have been unthinkable? Speaking on the occasion of the ongoing arrangements for the German negotiators want more opportunities to access the German minority in Poland to the media and the funding of its objects. Personally I have nothing against, I believe that there is nothing in the way (if there are such possibilities) to meet those wishes, in the name of good neighborly relations. Polish Germans, that's basically the Poles of German origin.
As this illustrates, the German side is able to care for their compatriots outside the boundary and their own interests, to mention just being built against the Warsaw protests, the German-Russian gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea without Polish, or even a museum displaced, pushed through by the supposedly "Ms. Nobody" ... That's right, Germany is pursuing a consistent, far-sighted policies and achieve their goals. Poland - it seems - has only a short-term goals: shared photographs of handshakes for election purposes. Is that's what really friendly and partner, in a word - good-neighborly relations?
The author is a lawyer in Berlin, representing, among others organizations of the Polish and the Polish minority in Germany
Reprinted with
Negotiations on my knees
How not to look, it's not Polish politicians, but the letter of Polish organizations in Germany, issued in August 2009 to Mrs. Chancellor Angela Merkel made it possible to begin concrete talks on Polish-German relations and, more specifically, to draw attention to the failure of Germany's obligations under the concluded twenty years ago, good-neighborly treaty. This anniversary is an excellent opportunity to take stock and perhaps only chance to improve the situation zaodrzańskich Poles.As we know, German politicians have expressed their readiness to rehabilitate the Poles persecuted during the Third Reich. Under Regulation Hermann Goering in 1940 was liquidated Polish minority, requisitioned her property and assets, and the organization of Polish activists were deported to concentration camps. Well, that in modern Germany, there is the will of their rehabilitation after 66 years since the end of the war, wrong that Polish negotiators give up his good starting position, not to say, keep talking about it on his lap. Apparently they are for, but ...
I quote from a letter dated 10 January 2011 This document is called "Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Working Group meeting on" Issues prawno-historyczne/Kultura memory. " Warsaw, Prime Minister's Chancellery, the Round Table Room, 5 January 2011 "As we read further," The main purpose of the meeting, organized by Christopher Miszczak, PRM Bureau Director for International Dialogue, co-working group "Issues prawno-historyczne/Kultura memory," was to prepare Polish-German talks on the situation of Polish national group in Germany, which will be dated. January 18 this year. in Berlin. Participants talked about issues, who will be in the block "memory culture" subject of talks with German partners. "One of the final sentence of this protocol is as follows:" Participants agreed to waive application of the term "Polish minority," and use the terminology used for the treaty. "
It's amazing that the Polish side of the mountains agrees to a significant concession. What led to the director Miszczak on this? I recall that it holds the position of Prime Minister Plenipotentiary for International Dialogue, Minister Wladyslaw Bartoszewski. Was it an independent decision of Mr Miszczak, or suggestion, and may require the supervisor? And another question: Does the Minister Radoslaw Sikorski knew something about it. A few weeks later, ie 16 March 2011, Polish Foreign Minister said at the pulpit of the Sejm: "On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Treaty on good neighborliness and friendly cooperation intensified talks on the Rights of the Polish minority. "(page 10 and 11 transcripts from the meeting of the Sejm ( $ file/87_a_ksiazka . pdf). Who then decides that he at the start the Polish side departs from the fundamental issue. The Polish minority in Germany is not disappeared, their descendants are living, there is also still the prewar, during the Third Reich outlawed Union of Poles in Germany, "Source". Is Polish politicians "bought" the German argument that restoring the status of minorities (which in fact is quite understandable under the law if we believe - as does the present government of Germany - a non-existent regulation Göring) is not possible because in Germany immediately demanded that the the Turks, Serbs, Bosnians, etc., etc.? This type of reasoning can be safely classified ad absurdum, because, I repeat emphatically, none of these ethnic groups have never had the rights of minorities and will never have grounds to apply for them. It is worth recalling that the Poles found themselves in Germany on a trip to the "Orbis", but derive from the land owned by the turn of the century in both countries, and from areas seized after the partition of Polish. He then became internal migrants who have relocated in search of a better life, such as the Ruhr area.
German side hopes that one will be the subject promises zwekslować adds a few cents on the activities of Polish NGOs, and thus avoid historical responsibility. Surprisingly, on Thursday 14/4/2011, during XV. Polish-German Forum in Berlin, cond. Miszczak assured the hosts that no one in Poland does not want to recognize the Polish minority in Germany. In this situation, is not unreasonable to question whether the old home is simply not care status of Poles in Germany and the Polish government propaganda in the name of the glitz of the allegedly excellent relations with the western neighbor sells what for Germany on the Polish Germans would have been unthinkable? Speaking on the occasion of the ongoing arrangements for the German negotiators want more opportunities to access the German minority in Poland to the media and the funding of its objects. Personally I have nothing against, I believe that there is nothing in the way (if there are such possibilities) to meet those wishes, in the name of good neighborly relations. Polish Germans, that's basically the Poles of German origin.
As this illustrates, the German side is able to care for their compatriots outside the boundary and their own interests, to mention just being built against the Warsaw protests, the German-Russian gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea without Polish, or even a museum displaced, pushed through by the supposedly "Ms. Nobody" ... That's right, Germany is pursuing a consistent, far-sighted policies and achieve their goals. Poland - it seems - has only a short-term goals: shared photographs of handshakes for election purposes. Is that's what really friendly and partner, in a word - good-neighborly relations?
The author is a lawyer in Berlin, representing, among others organizations of the Polish and the Polish minority in Germany
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What Dimensions Is A Standard Size Suitcase
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sample Letters Of Announcing New Supervisor
Small which is not what the legality of downloading from the neta
For many years, you can meet with the popular opinion that was distributed by the distributors, organizations, media and the users themselves that downloading movies or music albums of the network is stealing, and so are classified by the Polish law.
That's not true. Polish law does not provide liability criminal prosecution for downloading files from the network. download files from the Internet copyrighted in Poland is regulated by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights. It also restricts the use of works (not just music and movies, but also such as books or pictures) even if they are protected by copyright.
for downloading music or movies, without further communication, not in danger of criminal responsibility (Article 116 pr. Cars..) This follows from the application of Article. 23 pr. aut. fair use of the personal. It is irrelevant in this context, whether a work is published legally or illegally in the network, whether the person releasing the track it was entitled to or not. Such a construction is possible because the person drawstring track is not required to test the legality of the source from which it comes.
is illegal but sharing , but:
range own personal use includes the use of single copies of the circle of those who are in a personal, in particular, kinship, affinity or social relationship. However, this provision is very vague, mainly because of not spelling out the terms a personal relationship, social relationship, and besides, as I mentioned in an earlier entry in the hamster after place files for you - as a private drive:)
For many years, you can meet with the popular opinion that was distributed by the distributors, organizations, media and the users themselves that downloading movies or music albums of the network is stealing, and so are classified by the Polish law.
That's not true. Polish law does not provide liability criminal prosecution for downloading files from the network. download files from the Internet copyrighted in Poland is regulated by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights. It also restricts the use of works (not just music and movies, but also such as books or pictures) even if they are protected by copyright.
for downloading music or movies, without further communication, not in danger of criminal responsibility (Article 116 pr. Cars..) This follows from the application of Article. 23 pr. aut. fair use of the personal. It is irrelevant in this context, whether a work is published legally or illegally in the network, whether the person releasing the track it was entitled to or not. Such a construction is possible because the person drawstring track is not required to test the legality of the source from which it comes.
is illegal but sharing , but:
range own personal use includes the use of single copies of the circle of those who are in a personal, in particular, kinship, affinity or social relationship. However, this provision is very vague, mainly because of not spelling out the terms a personal relationship, social relationship, and besides, as I mentioned in an earlier entry in the hamster after place files for you - as a private drive:)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Phlegm Babies Natural Remedies
How to search files on the hamster? Passwords
If you have an account: ChomikExplorer or ChomikManiac the matter is trivial, because the search engine works files.
free ChomikFriend other hand, in the case is not much more difficult, but unfortunately the effects are not so great:
simply a search engine (I recommend google - someone uses another?), Type the name looking for the file (preferably with the extension - for example: mp3 when looking for songs:) and Chomikuj and loved google gives us a list of hamster most likely to have sought our file.
Megaupload or charge on the disc - the problem.
Many owners also provides internal search engine - especially useful when it comes to large amounts of movies or music.
You can also use the sites:
Although the more intensely used to search files chomiczku sacrificed and bought your Explorer (over 6zł/mies) difference became apparent - the original HAMSTER search engine has its own advantages, and if we begin to compulsively pull it is advisable to have an account either by paying or exchanging points hamsters;)
If you have an account: ChomikExplorer or ChomikManiac the matter is trivial, because the search engine works files.
free ChomikFriend other hand, in the case is not much more difficult, but unfortunately the effects are not so great:
simply a search engine (I recommend google - someone uses another?), Type the name looking for the file (preferably with the extension - for example: mp3 when looking for songs:) and Chomikuj and loved google gives us a list of hamster most likely to have sought our file.
Megaupload or charge on the disc - the problem.
Many owners also provides internal search engine - especially useful when it comes to large amounts of movies or music.
You can also use the sites:
Although the more intensely used to search files chomiczku sacrificed and bought your Explorer (over 6zł/mies) difference became apparent - the original HAMSTER search engine has its own advantages, and if we begin to compulsively pull it is advisable to have an account either by paying or exchanging points hamsters;)
The Day Before Period Is Due My Cm Is
Backe Backe Brot
Maybe I dare poproboje forces and the baking of bread. Here are a few useful links.
Maybe I dare poproboje forces and the baking of bread. Here are a few useful links.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Is It Worth It To Buy Washing Mashine With Steam
As to the availability we have really three levels: no password
-with a real difficult to crack password, how often an automatic random-
proposed site of pseudohasłem
As to the first two there is no doubt - we do not have access or because the owner does not wish, because it's private files, which are not intended to be share. As
pseudohaseł - the password is set up to prevent anyone from "taking care of copyright" is not able to cling to, because the password is and not allowed to bury in private czyiś - nieudostępnionych files:)
In this case, usually just read the description "chomiczka", eg. for me:
if what is the access to most folders is easy for those who can count to three;)
Often the password is set directly on the file, or click on link on the external site, we also see in the section about me (directly under the name chomiczka).
Sometimes as we are desperate, and blocks the password we should also write to the owner - may be surprised to be nice:)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Beach Theme Vinyl Shower Curtain
Is this legal?
Many owners of hamsters (me too) informs on the legal side of using the hamster - for me it is written:
" Site serves as an additional drive my private, available only for me, my family, my friends and acquaintances, and friends of my friends and all who are able to count to three (123) and accept everything that is written below!
All files in the hamster have been posted for information. Since the download to disk files should be deleted within 24 hours. use them for commercial purposes is illegal. Author hamster is not responsible illegal exploitation of resources in the hamster. Under Polish law, having downloaded copyrighted files can be stored on disk for 24 hours.
If you want to download the files you have after 24 hours (after download them to disk), delete it from your computer. Remember that copyrighted files not rip the network only if they have their original version, and downloaded a copy will be treated as a backup! Author hamster is not responsible for any illegal use of the resources on this page.
Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights Article 23 1. Be permitted to make free use of the already widespread in the song for personal use. Article 231 It does not require the author's permission transient or incidental reproductions of works, has no independent economic significance Article 34 You can use the works within the limits of fair use provided that lists the name and the names of authors and sources. Administration of the author and the source should take into account the existing possibilities. Developers are not entitled to remuneration.
Simple huh? ;) "
Often brief:
Is this legal?
Many owners of hamsters (me too) informs on the legal side of using the hamster - for me it is written:
" Site serves as an additional drive my private, available only for me, my family, my friends and acquaintances, and friends of my friends and all who are able to count to three (123) and accept everything that is written below!
All files in the hamster have been posted for information. Since the download to disk files should be deleted within 24 hours. use them for commercial purposes is illegal. Author hamster is not responsible illegal exploitation of resources in the hamster. Under Polish law, having downloaded copyrighted files can be stored on disk for 24 hours.
If you want to download the files you have after 24 hours (after download them to disk), delete it from your computer. Remember that copyrighted files not rip the network only if they have their original version, and downloaded a copy will be treated as a backup! Author hamster is not responsible for any illegal use of the resources on this page.
Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights Article 23 1. Be permitted to make free use of the already widespread in the song for personal use. Article 231 It does not require the author's permission transient or incidental reproductions of works, has no independent economic significance Article 34 You can use the works within the limits of fair use provided that lists the name and the names of authors and sources. Administration of the author and the source should take into account the existing possibilities. Developers are not entitled to remuneration.
Simple huh? ;) "
Often brief:
" All files in the hamster are provided for informational purposes for me and my family! Use them for commercial
is illegal! Since the download files from the hamster-to-disk must be removed in
within 24 hours! Hamster Owner is not liable for illegal use of the resources gathered here! "
Under Polish law, the downloaded files with a copyright can be stored on disk for 24 hours.
Administrator of the hamster, put here the files for the purposes of advertising and information, is not responsible for the further
their rozpowszechnianie.Jeśli you want to download the files you have after 24 hours (since download them to disk), delete it from your computer.
So I hope that everything is clear: after 24h delete the files :):):):):):):)
a nice legal doinformowywania !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Natural Replacement To Oestrogen
brilliant place for anyone who has a habit of "chomikować" files:)
This I plan to blog:
- close the possibilities of the hamster - if anyone still does not know them;)
- a way to bring a few pennies earn wealth on the occasion of hoarding - I will not promise wealth, because it's not that simple ...
- And as someone earning will seem too difficult, although it might You'll get it for free and use it to the max:)
- advertise your hamster (I want more chomikowych dots)
On: existing developed lots of super-hamster, but it's my blog to brag about her:
brilliant place for anyone who has a habit of "chomikować" files:)
This I plan to blog:
- close the possibilities of the hamster - if anyone still does not know them;)
- a way to bring a few pennies earn wealth on the occasion of hoarding - I will not promise wealth, because it's not that simple ...
- And as someone earning will seem too difficult, although it might You'll get it for free and use it to the max:)
- advertise your hamster (I want more chomikowych dots)
On: existing developed lots of super-hamster, but it's my blog to brag about her:
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