Wednesday, April 27, 2011

After Getting Lumineers

His desire was fulfilled

nice spring day, I wish all of you. Before our house welcomes guests this spring chair. Ria idea inspired me to such chairs odkukala in Denmark.

beautiful spring day, I wish you all. Before our house greets guests here spring highchair. Its inspired me to create Ria, who had seen such a chair in Denmark.

Zabýval are here prvý návštevník aj:)
lived here and the first Visits:)

Srdečne vitam vas!
Zapraszam serdecznie!

a long time, we long for a small house. It would be very old, one in which we should now feel great, safe, free and always we would like to return in it. Should be with architectural elements that we now appeal to a particular - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) Do you know what I write? Yet the heart of love. But we live in a large parent's home, so we try to bring at least details of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first vyzerali day približne takto:
Already a long time we want a small house. He had to be old, such that once We felt great in it, safely and freely, and always liked him to come back. He had to be with architectural accents, which we will like and important - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) I do not know what he writes? Surely a center of love. But immediately we live in a big house from my parents, so we try to fulfill even a part of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first day looks like this:

Surely you will agree that it is a piece of work, not just physical. But the good master was no shortage. If you need such a master painter, just call:)
Pewnie zgadzacie network of me that it kawal pracy, nie tylko fizycznej. But good mistrzów not brakowalo. Gdyby potrzebowaliscie takiego Mistrz-malarza, zadzwonic prosze:)

small, blue and white furniture. Oliver dreamed up just such a room. As the two older sons going through the "great" period of adolescence, each of them welcomed the opportunity súkromí. Ako prvé predstavím On the photos kráľovstvo Ted Oliver. On Jeho želanie som vyrobila hodiny, on which ZASTAL čas. SU Hrubý ľanového Vrec a su číslice poprehadzované, Takya Zamer pain. HOCl also hodinový strojček funguje, nikdy sa nedozvieme, circle them v skutočnosti Hodina:)

Mala, blue and white furniture. Oliver dreamed of just such a room. Since the older two sons through a period of maturation, each of them wants to have a bit of personal space. So I will show you on the photos was the first kingdom Oliver. His desire was a clock, on which time has stopped. Stworzylam go from lnianego woru i was numero chaotycznie uporzadkowane, taki was zamiar. Again choc Shaver zegarowy funkcjonuje, Nigde not dowiemy network, which is godzina:)

A few pictures cabinet. Some might like to see the room as a whole, but is tiny, is not it crazy with my camera:).
jeszcze Kilkis pstrykow of skin. It can Niektorzy chcialiby zobaczyc Caly room, but is not i bardzo maly w maybe they szalec of apparatus:).

C'est ma chambre ... This is my room
C'est ma chambre ... This is my room

And I invite you see you next post. Will also be sweet, I promise:)
I Zapraszam to nastepny Wiosenna post. Beja and slodko, obiecam:)


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