Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stripes On Letterman Jackets


Pamätáte sa TÚTO kuchynskú rohovú lavicu? Hearing sa v spirit Pariza, but we každodenne v priestoroch Kitchen fully live, and so long could not be white:) One day, this pure color like Maxim stopped, picked up the thick black markers and their whole heart and creativity to put graffiti on a white canvas:) This work of art we have tried to preserve what long, but when you add to it and other spots, I said to myself, that is again set to work. For advice and help I asked two girls - Li . and Zuzana which thank you very much:)

Do you remember that even kitchen bench? It was done in the spirit of Paris, but we do every day we spend much time in the kitchen, so long could not be white. One of the pure color to please Maksiowi stopped, picked up a thick black pen and his whole heart and creativity to put a graffiti on a white canvas:) This art tried to keep as long as possible, but when joined by her and other spots, I told myself gonna go again in August with the work. The advice and help I asked two girls - Li. a Zuzka , which you very thank you:)

Zuzka can also be pleasantly surprised at najneočakávanejšej moment, what I have already persuaded a number of occasions. Present for me was this pendant. I like old photos, which are women and mothers, so I Zuzka made great joy. I wholeheartedly thank you!

Zuzka potrafi TEZ przyjemnie zaskoczyc w oczekiwanym momencie not, the team juz kilkakrotnie przekonalam network. Prezentem dla mnie ta was zawieszka. Lubie stare zdjecia, kobiety who are also mothers, dlatego Zuzka zrobila me ogromna radosc. From calego serca like to thank!

I was pleased and shipments from totally unknown people. And as it happens at bazaars, and a quite decent price. I told that I like the table? This is the inscription: Pay the bills! Always reminds me that you have in your wallet still something left:)

Pocieszyly mnie i przesylky from zupelnie not znajomemu Ludzas. As I walk in bazaars, as well as totally decent price. Said I like them plates? For this is the inscription: Pay the bills! Always reminds me of something else I leave in your wallet:)

Videla ste už šijací takýmito rozmermi s outfit? If menší krajšírska ako sa špuľka a Ihla v nom Hybe a Koliesko točí. A k tomu kovový. Jednoducho zázrak! V skutočnosti them to však strúhadlo the ceruzky:)

Do widzialiscie already sewing machine of this size? Is less than the bobbin needle tailoring and normally it moves network and how many seizures. By tego Metalowych. Cudenko Ask! W rzeczywistosci temperówka that is:)

5th May, starting with me CANDY. We cordially invite you!
5th May rozpoczyna mnie sie in CANDY. Zapraszam serdecznie!


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