Also with us is no genuine autumn, so we decided to honor nature and weekend hikes at this time.
U nas juz TEZ Prawdziwa Jesien, więcej postanowilismy zaszczycic weekendowymi nature of spacer czas iw tym.
recently does not publish veľa príspevkov, ale to neznamená, že som unavená alebo že nič nerobím:) Pracujem na rekonštrukcii postele pre Maxima, ale práce je veľa, takže výsledky tu budem prezentovať tak o mesiac-dva... Zatiaľ vám ukážem len jej fragment v čase, keď som ju priviezla. Zázraky sa dejú a dnes už vyzerá oveľa lepšie:) Ak by mi niekto vedel poradiť, ako najľahšie vyčistiť 100-ročnú mosadz, bola by som veľmi vďačná:)
Ostatnio nie publikuje wiele postow, ale to nie znaczy, ze bym byla zmeczona albo ze nic nie robie:) Pracuje na Maxima beds for reconstruction, but a lot of work, so the results I presented here a month or two ... For now, I will show you only a fraction of the time when I brought it. Miracles happening and today already looks much better:) If someone advised me as the easiest to clean your 100-year-old brass, I would be grateful:)
Jesen aj v záhradke dances, but the volume of snad year:) Vyprovokovali ste has krásou Vřesová, the som is their nakúpila a zajtra Bud vysádzať vresovisko. I am a záhradka? Čítate good! Dievčatá, dokážete has a moju formovať nelásku k záhradkárskemu umeniu ste premenili on Vasen. Ďakujem vám Srdce zo. Dúfam, že sa mat Bud radovať Cim. Vresovisko este sice nemám but siet este sa jesenne pohojdáva:)
Autumn dancing and beer, but it is probably for the year:) I Wyprowokowaliscie beauty heathers, so I bought them, and tomorrow I'll blow up the heath. Me and garden? You read correctly! Girls know how I formed and moju antymilosc to work in the garden, you change the passions. Thank you from the heart. I hope I'll get them rejoice. Heaths Although I have not yet, but the network still sways autumnal:)
Dostal som scores from Beatky (MANUFAKTURA ragweed) , potešilo is that my blog are the sexes and it is Velmi vážim. Srdečne ďakujem, Beatka:) Score exile ďalším 10 blogger:
I got an award from the Beatki (MANUFAKTURA ragweed) , comforting me with it like my blog, and much of that price. We would like to thank, Beatko:) Send my honored me with the next 10 blogowniczkam:
Janke - Domov the lesom
Ivke - Beauty neglected
Gabike - Blog Gabkin
Kačenke - What a beautiful country
Myszce - The Mouse House
Ajke - Svět bublinek
Petruska - Angels
Alicja - Arte ego
Lusesicie - Bia ł there Kredens
Anetce - Drewniana szpulka
But all stunning and I love you peek at your blogs.
But i wszystkie jestescie wspaniale uwielbiam odwiedzac wasze blog.
Ostatnio nie publikuje wiele postow, ale to nie znaczy, ze bym byla zmeczona albo ze nic nie robie:) Pracuje na Maxima beds for reconstruction, but a lot of work, so the results I presented here a month or two ... For now, I will show you only a fraction of the time when I brought it. Miracles happening and today already looks much better:) If someone advised me as the easiest to clean your 100-year-old brass, I would be grateful:)
Jesen aj v záhradke dances, but the volume of snad year:) Vyprovokovali ste has krásou Vřesová, the som is their nakúpila a zajtra Bud vysádzať vresovisko. I am a záhradka? Čítate good! Dievčatá, dokážete has a moju formovať nelásku k záhradkárskemu umeniu ste premenili on Vasen. Ďakujem vám Srdce zo. Dúfam, že sa mat Bud radovať Cim. Vresovisko este sice nemám but siet este sa jesenne pohojdáva:)
Autumn dancing and beer, but it is probably for the year:) I Wyprowokowaliscie beauty heathers, so I bought them, and tomorrow I'll blow up the heath. Me and garden? You read correctly! Girls know how I formed and moju antymilosc to work in the garden, you change the passions. Thank you from the heart. I hope I'll get them rejoice. Heaths Although I have not yet, but the network still sways autumnal:)
Dostal som scores from Beatky (MANUFAKTURA ragweed) , potešilo is that my blog are the sexes and it is Velmi vážim. Srdečne ďakujem, Beatka:) Score exile ďalším 10 blogger:
I got an award from the Beatki (MANUFAKTURA ragweed) , comforting me with it like my blog, and much of that price. We would like to thank, Beatko:) Send my honored me with the next 10 blogowniczkam:
Janke - Domov the lesom
Ivke - Beauty neglected
Gabike - Blog Gabkin
Kačenke - What a beautiful country
Myszce - The Mouse House
Ajke - Svět bublinek
Petruska - Angels
Alicja - Arte ego
Lusesicie - Bia ł there Kredens
Anetce - Drewniana szpulka
But all stunning and I love you peek at your blogs.
But i wszystkie jestescie wspaniale uwielbiam odwiedzac wasze blog.
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