Saturday, October 9, 2010

Is Red Ok To Wear To A Gujerathi Wedding

Quick, fast the month of December will start!

These are the words of children's books, but only until her children read, adults live it. Maybe you, like me, thinking about Christmas earlier. Although I always manage to make or buy gifts at the last minute, I have them in the head pretty long. We can say that since the summer. Because my work is this beautiful obligations can not given just before Christmas, so starting now, in October. I tried to make a list of what you and I catch the thoughts of baking my eye fell on a cutter. Never had their place, so I just pohadzovala their plastic bags from one to another, from shelves to drawers ... Last week, I still have some prikúpila so I decided to make them a house. I once promised that I also paint the basket in white (however, Anette:), but until now I have complied with a promise:) I have everything in order and the mold has not "deformed". In addition to Cart su aj ubytování v papierových vreckách. Baliaci niekedy paper does zázraky:)

The words of the fairy tale books for children, but with kids I just read it and live an adult. Maybe you, apparently as I think about Christmas already. And when I do not always manage to create or buy gifts at the last moment, in my head I wear them a long time. One can say that since the summer. Due to my work I can not devote time to the duties that a nice before Christmas, so start now, in October. I tried to make a list of things that need to happen, and between thoughts spatrzylam cake molds. I have never had their place, just so she put them in bags to bags, from the drawer on the shelf ... Last week I bought a few more new and decided to create some home for them. I once promised that I whitewashed basket (true Anetka:), but only now come to term promises:) Everything already on order and mold will not be more "deformed". Basket rate issues also inhabited in paper bags. Packing paper sometimes works wonders:)

When talking about Christmas, something will still show.
Kiedy Mowat on swieto, wam jeszcze cos it goes wrong.

Yes, it's bulb. But not only so simple:) This is a rare non-functional light bulb - one of my gifts for Angel . Could it funny? No, no ... just look:)
So, it zarowka. But nie tylko taka zwykla:) This is valuable not funkcjonalna zarowka - one of prezentow dla moich Anio . A joke? No, no ... popatrzcie tylko:)

idea of \u200b\u200brecycling also makes miracles - from "nothing" is suddenly "something".
Well Šárka inspired me to their white apple. I had some green home polystyrene nabielila like them and have a pretty nice autumn decoration. I am very happy trail štetca the takýchto maličkostiach. Preto nestriekam farbou, but it is zvolím vždy for kamaráta štetec.

Recycling also works wonders - from "nothing" once "something."
Well Szarka inspired me with his white apples. I had some green in the house polystyrene, whitened them, and quite cool in them for decoration. I like the traces on such trifles pendzla. So do not paint spraying, but I prefer to be a friend pendzel.

Dnes I plan to be with my family in the garden, we do have a nice Saturday and we will plant our "treasures" - white and dark beloved tulips and heather.
Dzisiaj plans to spedzic of rodzinka czas w ogrodku, zrobimy sobie Piekna Saturday wysadzimy i nasza "Skarbu" - Biala and consortium of tulips and admired Wrzos.

Although I wish you a wonderful sunny weekend:)
I wam zycze wspanialego slonecznego weekend:)


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