Saturday, May 28, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
My Shoulder Blade Hurts And I Am Pregnant
So many heads, many opinions
I did not have a specific idea, which undergo lifting living room (originally half a nursery). I only knew that it must be "home" for the whole family. I longed to turn the face sun and connect tenderness fabrics with brutality wood. From every side I heard such an awful look of curtains which are so long that lying on the floor, as the carpenters do not like the production of white door (not to mention the cluster of massive and hand-painted), as I did not buy a cheap and poor quality floor, which abnormal desk I have devised, and no paint brush letters on the wall? Waste of time! But my family stood by me and then I came to that, yet no one else will live with us so we can realize our vision exactly as we would like. Thus, I present to you our most inhabited place in the house. It is not yet over, a couple of days will be ready TV cabinet and desk , still working on it:)
not wyobrazalam sobie Jaki a concrete sitting lifting trick (previous field facilities for children). I knew only that it must be "home" for the whole family. Praglam sun and the subtle connections fabrics raw wood. On all sides I heard how terrible they look curtains, which lie on the floor, as carpenters do not like to produce white door (not to mention cluster hand-painted doors of the massif), and I did not buy cheaper and does not kwalitnej floor, which is not normal stol invented himself, and no paint brush inscription on the wall? waste of time! But my family stood beside me, and later came the fact that no one else surely live with us and we will not realize their dreams just as chcialibysmy. So I present to you our small dining room. It's not over yet, for a few days will be on the TV cabinet and dining table , still working on it:)
not wyobrazalam sobie Jaki a concrete sitting lifting trick (previous field facilities for children). I knew only that it must be "home" for the whole family. Praglam sun and the subtle connections fabrics raw wood. On all sides I heard how terrible they look curtains, which lie on the floor, as carpenters do not like to produce white door (not to mention cluster hand-painted doors of the massif), and I did not buy cheaper and does not kwalitnej floor, which is not normal stol invented himself, and no paint brush inscription on the wall? waste of time! But my family stood beside me, and later came the fact that no one else surely live with us and we will not realize their dreams just as chcialibysmy. So I present to you our small dining room. It's not over yet, for a few days will be on the TV cabinet and dining table , still working on it:)
Lampu som presťahovala, svojím romantickým klobúčikom a krídlami from Anetky anjelským them doplnkom obývačky. Pôvodne became here .
Lampe przeprowadzilam innego of peace, of romantycznym kapeluszem from krzydlami from Anette is doskonalym Appendix tego peace. Wczesniej become tutaj .
I sewed the curtains dlhééééééé of white and gray flax ... with curtains operate airy and easily .
Uszylam i dlugieeeeee Zaslon of Białego szarego and flax ... w CZUCAS them Powietrza i lekkosc .
floor I was seduced by their model numbers and signs of old wine wafers. When you fall on it rays of the sun is just so beautiful to watch.
Floors urzekla mnie wzorkiem napisów i numerkow of the old tabliczek WinIE. Patrzec Good for Nia, Kiedy hits the mongoose slonca .
Inscription I have been painting over the sofa in black acrylic paint . I have long thought that the words conveyed to our household, I finally spoke to just this:
sign above the sofa malowalam Czarna color akrylowa. Dlugy decydowalam who wrote wybrac, w end of the wybralam:
La perfection. Ce n'est pas de faire quelque chose de grand et de beau,
mais de faire ce que l'on fait ave Grandeur et beauté.
view from the windows of their neighbors, but if by chance nakukli neighbors like us, will welcome their parapet with my various "addictions". These include urchins, do you remember them yet? Used in ikebana arrangement, but it can also serve quite well as a photograph stands, is not it?
Widok from windows to Sąsiadów but gdyby przypadkowo sasiedzi chcialiby zerknac to us, their powita parapet with different moimi "zaleznosciami. To them and Licze eaten , pamietacie them yet? They were used was to arrange ikebana, but interesting, and their use as stands for pictures, right?
to mirror the lastúr som sa doslova zaľúbila. Jemna peniažky s krištáľovými decorations - it jednoducho musí byt.
W lamp of muszelek doslownie zakochalam network. Delicious pieniazki of krzysztalkami - it must ask byc.
Since I frames were added different designs and colors, I created a gallery, which will gradually expand further photographs.
Poniewaz Przybyl at mnie rámek on various wzorkach and color, stworzylam gallery that Bede pozniej powiekszac on track zdjecia .
Finally, my favorite magnolia bloom .
at the end of my ulubiona rozkwitnieta magnolia .
wish you beautiful day!
Zycze wam milego dnia!
Apologies for photo quality, recently I do not somehow:)
Przepraszam for Jakość zdjęcia, else of JAKOS not umiem tego:)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Infiniti By Eurosportst950 User Manual
campaign:) The lucky hand
When I was little, parents taught me to love animals. Not that hard as a child, I can easily chewed to coexist with them, because it always some smaller pet running around the yard every day . remember turkeys, chickens, rabbits, dogs, sheep .... aaa really, sheep:) I note the smell of clover, on which grazed, delicate white laced boots, which I always pritúlili, their vulnerability and bekotanie for cutting .. . Today in our yard nenájdete ovečky, but it is v budúcnosti určite aspoň jednu zadovážime. A TÚTO som attempted to pre lásky Maxima.
When I was little, my parents taught animals like me. It was not difficult, as a child simply got used to live together with them, as always some little kitten ran around the yard. I remember the turkey, mushrooms, hare, dog, sheep ... aah the way, the sheep:) I remember the smell of clover, on which grazed in August, soft white fur coats, which is always hugging me, and the bleating of their vulnerability to clip ... Today, already in our mansion you will not find the sheep, but in the future, probably a buy. And that I made with the Miłość dla Maxima.
Soon I'm back:)
Niedlugo Bede of powrotem:)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Power Cord Audiostrider 600
Yesterday was a happy day for one from you. The draw helped me my son Maxim and tell the truth, did not hesitate even a moment to choose a PAPER name. There are 32 candidates for the prize:
Wczoraj szczesliwy was one of Dzien dla was. From losowaniem pomagal mi son Maxim and powiem szczerze not decydowal Dlugy, Could it wybrac a papierek of imiem. Tutaj 32 kandydatow to wygrana:
And the winner is ..... KAPRYS :) Congratulations!
I zwyciezca is ..... KAPRYS :) Serdecznie congratulates!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Kristal Summers Address
Why now? Without a single reason, selflessly and depth of soul I want to donate a piece of your world. Needless to much, just a comment the príspevkom a little pre šťastia víťaza. This bude vyžrebovaný povedzme ... 17. May 2011 and ziska sadrového Anjela (21 cm) and Gulu from polystyrene ozdobenú "technikou toaletného paper":)
Všetkým Velmi držím fingers!
Why just today? Without any reason, selflessly and with depths of my soul, I offer a piece of my world. No need for that much, just comment the post and a little luck for the winner. This will be drawn, say ... 17. May. 2011 and will receive an angel of plaster (21 cm) and Styrofoam balls adorned with "the technique of toilet paper":)
all keep our fingers crossed!
Ak certain nevlastní blog poprosím nechať komentároch v @ (e-mail)
If someone does not have a blog, I'll leave the comments @ (e- mail)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Stripes On Letterman Jackets
Pamätáte sa TÚTO kuchynskú rohovú lavicu? Hearing sa v spirit Pariza, but we každodenne v priestoroch Kitchen fully live, and so long could not be white:) One day, this pure color like Maxim stopped, picked up the thick black markers and their whole heart and creativity to put graffiti on a white canvas:) This work of art we have tried to preserve what long, but when you add to it and other spots, I said to myself, that is again set to work. For advice and help I asked two girls - Li . and Zuzana which thank you very much:)
Do you remember that even kitchen bench? It was done in the spirit of Paris, but we do every day we spend much time in the kitchen, so long could not be white. One of the pure color to please Maksiowi stopped, picked up a thick black pen and his whole heart and creativity to put a graffiti on a white canvas:) This art tried to keep as long as possible, but when joined by her and other spots, I told myself gonna go again in August with the work. The advice and help I asked two girls - Li. a Zuzka , which you very thank you:)
Zuzka can also be pleasantly surprised at najneočakávanejšej moment, what I have already persuaded a number of occasions. Present for me was this pendant. I like old photos, which are women and mothers, so I Zuzka made great joy. I wholeheartedly thank you!
Zuzka potrafi TEZ przyjemnie zaskoczyc w oczekiwanym momencie not, the team juz kilkakrotnie przekonalam network. Prezentem dla mnie ta was zawieszka. Lubie stare zdjecia, kobiety who are also mothers, dlatego Zuzka zrobila me ogromna radosc. From calego serca like to thank!
I was pleased and shipments from totally unknown people. And as it happens at bazaars, and a quite decent price. I told that I like the table? This is the inscription: Pay the bills! Always reminds me that you have in your wallet still something left:)
Pocieszyly mnie i przesylky from zupelnie not znajomemu Ludzas. As I walk in bazaars, as well as totally decent price. Said I like them plates? For this is the inscription: Pay the bills! Always reminds me of something else I leave in your wallet:)
Videla ste už šijací takýmito rozmermi s outfit? If menší krajšírska ako sa špuľka a Ihla v nom Hybe a Koliesko točí. A k tomu kovový. Jednoducho zázrak! V skutočnosti them to však strúhadlo the ceruzky:)
Do widzialiscie already sewing machine of this size? Is less than the bobbin needle tailoring and normally it moves network and how many seizures. By tego Metalowych. Cudenko Ask! W rzeczywistosci temperówka that is:)
5th May, starting with me CANDY. We cordially invite you!
5th May rozpoczyna mnie sie in CANDY. Zapraszam serdecznie!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
After Getting Lumineers
His desire was fulfilled
a long time, we long for a small house. It would be very old, one in which we should now feel great, safe, free and always we would like to return in it. Should be with architectural elements that we now appeal to a particular - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) Do you know what I write? Yet the heart of love. But we live in a large parent's home, so we try to bring at least details of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first vyzerali day približne takto:
nice spring day, I wish all of you. Before our house welcomes guests this spring chair. Ria idea inspired me to such chairs odkukala in Denmark.
beautiful spring day, I wish you all. Before our house greets guests here spring highchair. Its inspired me to create Ria, who had seen such a chair in Denmark.
Zabýval are here prvý návštevník aj:)
lived here and the first Visits:)
Srdečne vitam vas!
Zapraszam serdecznie!
a long time, we long for a small house. It would be very old, one in which we should now feel great, safe, free and always we would like to return in it. Should be with architectural elements that we now appeal to a particular - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) Do you know what I write? Yet the heart of love. But we live in a large parent's home, so we try to bring at least details of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first vyzerali day približne takto:
Already a long time we want a small house. He had to be old, such that once We felt great in it, safely and freely, and always liked him to come back. He had to be with architectural accents, which we will like and important - must be at the center. The center outside the center:) I do not know what he writes? Surely a center of love. But immediately we live in a big house from my parents, so we try to fulfill even a part of their dreams. We started a few weeks ago and the first day looks like this:
Surely you will agree that it is a piece of work, not just physical. But the good master was no shortage. If you need such a master painter, just call:)
Pewnie zgadzacie network of me that it kawal pracy, nie tylko fizycznej. But good mistrzów not brakowalo. Gdyby potrzebowaliscie takiego Mistrz-malarza, zadzwonic prosze:)
small, blue and white furniture. Oliver dreamed up just such a room. As the two older sons going through the "great" period of adolescence, each of them welcomed the opportunity súkromí. Ako prvé predstavím On the photos kráľovstvo Ted Oliver. On Jeho želanie som vyrobila hodiny, on which ZASTAL čas. SU Hrubý ľanového Vrec a su číslice poprehadzované, Takya Zamer pain. HOCl also hodinový strojček funguje, nikdy sa nedozvieme, circle them v skutočnosti Hodina:)
Mala, blue and white furniture. Oliver dreamed of just such a room. Since the older two sons through a period of maturation, each of them wants to have a bit of personal space. So I will show you on the photos was the first kingdom Oliver. His desire was a clock, on which time has stopped. Stworzylam go from lnianego woru i was numero chaotycznie uporzadkowane, taki was zamiar. Again choc Shaver zegarowy funkcjonuje, Nigde not dowiemy network, which is godzina:)
A few pictures cabinet. Some might like to see the room as a whole, but is tiny, is not it crazy with my camera:).
jeszcze Kilkis pstrykow of skin. It can Niektorzy chcialiby zobaczyc Caly room, but is not i bardzo maly w maybe they szalec of apparatus:).
C'est ma chambre ... This is my room
C'est ma chambre ... This is my room
And I invite you see you next post. Will also be sweet, I promise:)
I Zapraszam to nastepny Wiosenna post. Beja and slodko, obiecam:)
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