From an early age I was taken away to the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sometimes, also participated in the "service". My company mostly confined to "zborowych" colleagues. However, even when they had to watch out for each spoken word - because everything that they did not like it - trafiało to their parents, and from them back to mine. It reminds me now situations described in the "Diary of the Red Army officer - even when parents are afraid donoszących the children. It was strange for me is that Jehovah's organization, described as "liberating" and "cleansing" before talking about what I thought stop me, not so much his own conscience - and so already "trained on the basis of the Bible" and the fear of becoming ill and another zinterpretowanym "conversation" - just really different from the hearing.
What else did not like me "in his youth?
became the first place is always false and deceiving. Obviously - for a child everything is either true or false. Were unknown to me then "games" adults, so I was often torn between what you just heard and what I saw later.
additional aversion to the "truth" filled me with those famous "new light". I never liked people changing your mind. If something was to be such and not the other is why suddenly been changed? The more that God has taught me how - is infallible, and thus - already pulled out such a request - it's clearly not the light comes from God.
At the age of probably - I do not remember exactly - I was twelve years nieochrzczonym preacher. Why? It is said that "you did it for myself" or "the love of Jehovah," but you know .. really - that religious consciousness has a 12 year old boy? From what I remember - I did it because I had enough questions and conversations that begin with "how old are you?", Leading the "you are already a preacher?" and ending "and when would you like to be?". But really - what kind of knowledge that could be used in true evangelism - has a 12 year old child? Is it possible to hold talks with him about the situation in the world? Wie Finally there are wars and famine, but does not know the reasons, does not know what, how and why. "Producing" heralds of an age to me is proof of an attempt to addiction from an early age such person from the "organization" and "brothers." Anyway - an approaching period dojżewania and changes in thinking and conclusions reached - could it really be a threat to the continued existence of such a person in the congregation. As a result - there would be a risk of sharing their thoughts among the other brothers. Maybe that's why the "older" at least twice a month going out with me for service? I remember that during this "service" has repeatedly asked me about the situation at home, with my thoughts and conclusions, and when from time to time I said what I did not really fit, and what I want to change - after a few days after the meeting I was led to "peace confessions "(as he later called a small room in which the" elders "held talks with the" sheep ".
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