Friday, August 18, 2006

How Can I Use Bmxcolor

know. I ask many questions. I guess it is better to think and reflect on what is going on rather than blindly follow the crowd, so you really do not know which way .. Some of the Jehovah's Witnesses can I complain apostate practice, but understand - I do not have to denigrate the Watchtower Society. I note only my private thoughts and observations about the functioning of the churches, the behavior of the brothers and the content of publications. Before you judge me so - try to read all the notes and consider whether there is that something that he wanted to tell and just scared. You do not have what? Would certainly?

Returning to the topic .. I wanted to write about the vocabulary - quite specific and hard to understand for people from "outside" organizations. What I especially do not like - contemptuous attitude towards those who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Not true? This is where you referring to this type of determination and światus Philistine? After all, according to Psalm 145:21 Jehovah's fame should be proclaimed, which, as we read in James 5:11 is God in the affectionate feelings and merciful. Where that mercy and tenderness to the potential future sheep? Another Formulation of whom wanted to write a bad system things. It has a reference to the current political situation and the material around. The fact that the end of this system of things is just right repeats itself every Jehovah's Witness from the beginning to the end of life (sic). Sometimes - even in earlier years - could be heard at meetings and meetings calling for hard work in the work of the Lord, and consider the sense of gaining a higher education. It is interesting that, as an alternative to higher education and well-paid job was administered pełnoczasową pioneering service, which allows outside meetings, meetings, personal study and preparation, and finally, the same service - a "pioneer" has no time for anything else. In addition - being the person who completed their education in high school - not always with the final exams - in fact, in addition to hard, physical labor is not possible to find any source of income. Anyway - about the history of mankind is easy to see that the poorly educated people are easier to direct. All the more so if their main occupation is preaching the word - they can sometimes convince themselves of what they want. False? I worked as a sales representative. Despite the fact that the offer of the company where I was on-time was not impressive, and the technical facilities was limited to an absolute minimum - I knew that in order to convince the customer to do anything, you first have to believe it himself. Faith came in as the next of subsequent offers to customers. This is the same - at least in my opinion - is a pioneering service in the event. Time to broadcast the good news . Speech is of course of the pending case in the Bible, when God heal all diseases, removes death, etc (more in Revelation [Revelation] 21:4). Highlights in this wonderful good news that that the merciful God will destroy all non-Jehovah's Witnesses, regardless of their deeds. A little weird. theocratic agenda - Formulation of a series of further interest. This time refers to the hierarchy prevailing in the churches, "Christian". So the top is God, Jesus, executive body (also called the remnant), the Office of branches, offices of these Committees, Supervisors people, elders, servants, and at the end of the auxiliary preachers. Everything beautiful and pretty - it's an organization of God and is to be in order. But is that surely? But as sole mediator between them and the people God has established Jesus Christ. So can anyone explain to me why the hell the word as the sole executive body has the ability to interpret correct advice, the principles and teachings given to us in the Bible, even though he had repeatedly shown that he is fallible? If so rigidly to adhere to the commandments of God, why have added a "middleman" between us and God? Next question .. Why, if one is a Jehovah's Witness and meet him some problems in life - this is called "persecution for their faith," and when away from the religion and the problems are the same - the name is changed to "no blessings"? This reminds me of my friend's words about a positive attitude. In fact - if it is positively oriented - even thinking, "God is with me, bless me" - when you run out of these problems - that "faith" but rather the conviction will be much stronger, although the intervention of God toto had little in common. Another thing - what "not to engage in power?" From the observations made during the return from meetings - whether by bus or car, often coming down to talk politics after mindless skrytykowaniu all the power (not paying attention to what she did good) go down to the hopes of taking power through Christ. Well. Jesus will rule the world, but until that happens we are still alive. Right? Recent hard Formulation of the day: pioneering center. What is it? Departure - mostly in rural areas, in order to help churches from the region, which, considering the enormous variation and a small number of members does not give advice to develop this area. Memories of the pioneering center are the most bruising after falls from the bicycle, sunburn acquired "off duty", zealous preaching of "natives", shared evenings - often combined with songs (but only to 22 (sic)) by the fire. And all for what? In most cases, young people are leaving the centers just to drown his conscience, to show others what they are true (I know the "pioneers" who could be the season at 4-5 centers) and also to establish closer contacts with the opposite sex and drink a beer. The next thing is to go back home and coming up with "building" experiences. Excuse a little bit sorry for hugs.


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