Thursday, August 17, 2006


the beginning of history, also called an introduction

During further reading, many of you may wonder who I am. I have a little more than twenty years. From the age of eight, probably I was raised in a family of Jehovah's Witnesses. Since I can remember anyone else around - and I had the company only "the truth''did not like what I did. Is it my hair - always wore short hair, or clothing - baggy pants, and speech - the language spoken casually, not learned and not" rigid ". I hated the deception reigning among the most "brothers" and "sisters." I always came into the meeting and was greeted with joy - I knew I had fallen down behind the comments about my behavior. The worst thing was that whenever I tried to tell the people to which it seemed to me that I trust - was practiced a kind of informer - Whether the parents or the "older" or "servants auxiliary." This resulted in many conversations - until the completion of those magical 18 years - with the participation of parents. I've always been perceived as a Two faced. Why? In truth I have no idea. I always did what I wanted. Never with that did not hide. I said what about someone or something I thought - simply and bluntly. Maybe because most of the "brothers" from me pushed, seeing me, literally as an apostate? Maybe. I know one thing. Jehovah's Witnesses, despite a really lofty goals and objectives - still far from the planned perfection. This is what I have seen for several years - so I'm going to describe to finally see the light of day. The end of silence and questions "within the organization," where nothing really happened with that never does.


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